
Rockpoint Group, L.L.C. is a real estate private equity firm with primary offices located in Boston, Dallas, San Francisco and London. Rockpoint proactively targets specific asset classes and geographic regions given current market conditions, with particular focus on value creation opportunities, distressed/restructuring opportunities and complex situations. Rockpoint commissioned Cullinane to conduct a positioning study and to refresh and update their current brand identity, collateral and website.


Our creative approach was to develop solutions that revealed evolutionary steps away from their current logo, to more radical or revolutionary solutions. Once we honed in on a single direction, the desire was to position Rockpoint as a larger entity in this space and reinforce the power of the two words which comprised their name. To achieve that goal, we eliminated the diamond symbol and tall, thin lettering, then created a strong and more memorable “asymmetrical” logotype. It was then applied to their stationery system, PowerPoint templates, advertising, print collateral, website and graphic identity guidelines.




Identity Guidelines

PowerPoint Template

Stationery System

Word Template


View Website

© Cullinane Inc.

177 Sound Beach Avenue, Old Greenwich, CT 06870    /    203 637.3083    /    508.415.5448   /